Depression And Signs Of DepressionBiological Basis Of Depression

Depression And Signs Of Depression

Taslima Akter Eva Student of Chittagong University Pharmacy Department

Mental Health Tips By Taslima Eva Pharmacist What Is Depression

  • This mental health tips is all about guideline
    depression and signs ofdepression will help to 
    prepare for depression and signs of depression
    Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent 
    feeling of sadness and loss of interest towards almost
    everything. It affects how you feel, think and behave
    and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical
    problems where you  may have trouble doing normal 
    day-to-day activities, and sometimes you may feel as
    if life isn't worth living. In this blog I will write
    about the biological basis and treatment of depression
    If you feel depressed  don't get discouraged because
    Most people with depression feel better with 
    medication,psychotherapy or both.
  • Signs Of Depression:-
  •  1.Apathy
  •  2.Low self esteem
  •  3.Insomnia
  •  4.Personal neglect
  • 5.Loss of appetite
  • 6.Loss of libido
  • 7.Pessimism
  •  8.Lack of motivation
    Types Of Depression :-
     Exogenous depression: associated with life crisis events
  • Endogenousdepression: not associated with any trigger
    Depressive syndrome:
    unipolar and bipolar affective disorder
  • Condition That Can Get Worse Due To 
    Depression Include:- 
  • 2.Asthma
  • 3.Cardiovascular disease
  • 4.Cancer
  • 5.Diabetes
  • 6.Obesity
  • Biological Basis of Depression:-

    Depression is the result of a group of  imbalance
    happening in your brain . The major reasons are
  • 1.Imbalance of neurotransmitters(serotonin,
  •  2.Neuroplasticity 3.Endocrinology
  • 4.Genetics
  • 5.Psychoneuroimmunology All of this 5 reason will be 
    discussed in my next post
  •  Types Of Depression and Triggers Of Depression:
     (Mental Health Tips)
  • 1.Exogenous Depression:
    associated with life crisis events.
    Exogenous (or reactive) depression is triggered by
    an outside stressor such as the loss of a loved one,
     getting divorced, or losing your job.
    People who experience or witness a traumatic event may 
    develop depression as a direct result of that exposure.
  • 2.Endogenous Depression:

    This is not associated with any trigger.
    People with endogenous depression often feel that 
    their symptoms occur “for no reason”—at least
    in the sense that there is no apparent external cause.
    Instead, the cause is thought tobe biochemical 
    and/or genetic for instance, a person with a family
    history of mental illness may be more likely to 
    develop depression
  • 3.Depressive Syndrome: 
    unipolar and bipolar affective disorder.
  • Unipolar And Bipolar Affective Disorder:

    a.Unipolar disorder : 
    Mood Changes in same direction. In very serious cases 
    it interferes with daily life,Reading, Sleeping 
    (Overall life is not enjoyable) Feeling of intense
    sadness & despair(Loss of Hope) Mental slowing & Loss
    of conc. Pessimistic worry (always expect bad thingsq
    to happen) Lack of pleasure,Self- Depreciation, 
    Variable agitation & hostilitycan be seen
  • 4.Bipolar disorder:
    also known as manic depression, is a mental illnessthat
    causes severe high and low moods and changes in sleep,
    energy, thinking, and behavior. People who have 
    bipolar disorder can have periods in which they feel
    excessively  happy and energized and other periods of
    feeling very sad, hopeless, and sluggish
  • Diagnosis Of Depression (insomnia, suicidality,
    Intense pressure,libido and more):
    A. 5 of 9 symptoms are observed during the period of
  • Depressed mood
  • Intense pressure
  • Weight loss/ gain
  • Inability to sleep or over-sleeping
  • Psychomotor agitation or impairment
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of concentration
  • Feeling of worthlessness or guilty
  • Thoughts of death or suicidality ( Thoughts: With 
    plan or without plan; Attempts).
  • Significant distress to daily life. Suicide from 
    depression is 25-30% of depressed population.
    Depression 2-3 X higher in women. So this problem
    should be taken into consideration seriousl
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Main Causes of Depression (Abuse, Age, Medications,
Genes and more): ·Abuse:

Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse can make a person more
vulnerable to depression later in life. ·Age:People who are 
elderly are at higher risk of depression. But it varies from
person to person. some of the recent data have shown that
generally people from 25-35 are more prone to depression now
a days. ·
Certain medications:
Some drugs, such as isotretinoin (used to treat acne), 
the antiviral drug interferon-alpha. Other drugs that 
could cause depression are corticosteroids, opioids 
(morphine,codaine ),benzodiazepine, barbiturates etc ·
Death or a loss:
Sometimes sadness or grief after the death or loss 
of a loved one, though natural, can increase the 
risk of depression.but this ctype pf depression
is generally transient which could be 
treated without medication. ·
Women are about twice as likely as men to become 
depressedwhich may be because of the hormonal 
changes that women go through at different times
of their lives. ·
A family history of depression may increase the risk.
There are probably many different genes that each exert
small effects, rather than a single gene that contributes
to disease risk.
Other personal problems.
Problems such as social isolation due to other mental 
illnesses or being cast out of a family or social group
 can contribute to the risk of developing clinical 
Main Causes of Depression ( Serious Illness, Substance 
Misuse ,Biochemicals and more) Serious illnesses. 
Sometimes, depression happens along with a major 
illness or may be triggered by another medical condition. ·
Substance misuse. 
Nearly 30% of people with substance misuse problems also
have major or clinical depression. Even if drugs or alcohol 
temporarily make a person feel better, they ultimately will 
aggravate depression afterward.
Biochemical:Too little or too much of a brain chemical 
affecting mood and sleep.Cause due to the irregular or
inappropriate regulation brain chemicals
Significant loss, difficult relationships, financial 
problems,drugs, or a major change in a life pattern.
Persons with certain traits. ·
Major events:
Both good and bad events could cause
depression.Such as being in love,moving, losing a 
job or income, getting divorced, or retiring. 
However, the syndrome of clinical depression is 
never just a "normal" response to stressful life events. ·
Depression in someone who has the biological vulnerability 
to it may result from personal conflicts or disputes with 
family members or friends. It varies from person to person.
Biological Basis of Depression:-
Genetics and more)
Depression is the result of a group of  imbalance happening 
in your brain . The major reasons are
1.Imbalance of neurotransmitters(serotonin,
4. Genetics
1 Biological Basis of Depression (Imbalance Of
The amount of the neurotransmitters serotonin,
norepinephrine, and dopamine are associated with
depression. It is not easy to actually measure 
the level of neurotransmitters in a person's 
brain and their activit
1.1.Neurotransmitter Serotonin And Depression :
The neurotransmitter serotonin is associated with 
controlling many important bodily functions, 
including sleep, aggression, eating, sexual behavior,
and mood and Serotonin is produced by
serotonergic neurons.  A lot of Current research suggests
that a decrease in the production of serotonin by these 
neurons can cause depression in some people or make a mood
state that can cause some people to feel suicidal.
1.2.Neurotransmitter DopamineAnd Depression:
The neurotransmitter dopamine is also linked to depression
because it plays an important role in controlling our 
drive to seek out rewards. It also controls our ability 
to obtain a sense of pleasure. As a result low dopamine 
levels may, in part, explain why people with depression 
don't get the same sense of pleasure out of activities .
1.3.Neurotransmitter Norepinephrine And Depression:
In the 1960s, the "catecholamine hypothesis" was a 
introduced for explaining why people developed depression.
In this hypothesis it is described that a deficiency of the 
neurotransmitter norepinephrine (also known as 
noradrenaline) in certain areas of the brain was 
responsible for creating depressed mood. More recent 
research of a group of people with depression suggested
that  they have low levels of norepinephrine. Again in 
some  autopsy studies it is prominent that people who 
have experienced multiple depressive episodes have 
fewer norepinephrinergic neurons than people who have 
no depressive history. Some recent studies suggested 
that in some people, low levels of serotonin triggers 
a drop in norepinephrine levels, which as a result 
leads to depression.Norepinephrine enables our bodies
to recognize and respond to stressful situations.
Recent studies suggested  that people who are 
vulnerable to depression may have a norepinephrinergic
system that doesn't handle the effects of stress fully


  • Biological Basis of Depression (Neuroplasticity): 
    Our brains are constantly remodeling themselves over the course of
    our lives as a result of our interactions, behaviors, genes, and 
    other factors. The brain has a remarkable ability to detect and react
    to its surroundings. The tendency of our brain to reorganize itself 
    by creating new neural connections during the span of its life is 
    referred to as "neuroplasticity." These connections permit the 
    occurrence of learning and memory to happen. Neurons, for example, 
    can change their responsiveness by physically growing new synapses 
    (spaces between neurons) and strengthening existing ones. This happens 
    as a result of the types of stimuli they receive. Furthermore, neurons
    may be "reprogrammed" in response to a variety of conditions. For 
    example, after a stroke, axons (extensions of neuron cell bodies that
    project from one location to another) from one area of the brain can be
    rerouted to allow functioning in a damaged part of the brain. One of
    the key aspects of neuroplasticity is monitoring the activities of 
    neurotransmitters. Specific receptors assist neurons in sensing their 
    surroundings and enabling genes. This results in the production of 
    neurotransmitters and the activation or deactivation of their receptors.
    For example, if a person has just been through a stressful situation,
    the brain detects the increase in stress and may turn down the genes 
    that produce neurotransmitter receptors. With less availability of 
    receptors, there is less pace or sensitivity in the inheritance of 
    messages sent across spaces. If the downgraded or upgraded receptors 
    are also involved in mood control, this will have an effect on mood. 
    Exercise and physical activity in general have a significant impact 
    on neurotransmitters, which stimulate brain cell growth and recovery.
    This is why exercise has been linked to the relief of depression. 
    Long-term stress, on the other hand, appears to reduce cell growth in 
    these areas. Based on this evidence, we can conclude that a decrease 
    in the number of neurons in the brain's emotional centers can result 
    in slower reactivity and depressive symptoms. Neurotransmitter traffic
    and neuroplastic activity in the brain and nervous system are continuous
    and complicated. Researchers are still working to identify definite 
    causes of depression, develop diagnostic tests, and improve treatments 
    based on these key brain systems
3.Biological Basis of Depression (Endocrinology,Hypothalamus ,Ovaries,Testes,
Adrenal gland associated with depression) Neurotransmitters are not the only
important chemical messengers in the body but also there are hormones as 
chemical messengers which produced in the endocrine system. Generally hormones
circulate from one organ to another through the bloodstream. Receiving the
signals,organs in the body interpret hormonal signals and respond to their
messages. The endocrine and nervous systems are linked by the hypothalamus 
which  is a centrally located 'switching station' within the brain. The 
hypothalamus is an exceptionally complex brain region that controls many 
different body functions such as blood pressure, appetite, immune responses, 
body temperature, maternal behavior, and body rhythms dealing with circadian 
and seasonal rhythms.
hypothalamus is also responsible for releasing stress hormone generally when The
the brain identifies a potential threat. In that specific time it produces a

variety of hormones that help a person react to the situation. Recent studies

show that people with depression increased levels of stress hormones have.

Similarly other endocrine organs such as the thyroid, adrenal glands, ovaries,

testes is also associated with depression,

The ovaries, which produce estrogen, are thought to be one of the main reasons

why women run a higher risk of developing depression than men. Decreased levels

of estrogen can alter the activity of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and

norepinephrine, which can then lead to depression. testes, thyroid gland have

been linked to depression.

In recent studies it is found that depression is frequently associated with

low levels of thyroid hormone (known as hypothyroidism) where mood elevation is

often associated with high levels of thyroid hormone (known as hyperthyroidism).

Adrenal gland is also linked with depression . Recent studies have found that

the main hormone of the adrenal glands, cortisol, is higher in depressed 
individuals .
Testosterone, a hormone produced by the testes in males, may also be linked to

depression. Generally after the age of 50 decrease in testosterone is seen

this is why  men of this age are more likely to be depressed though it is not

well documented.

Biological Basis of Depression(Circadian And Seasonal Rhythm Associated With

Depression)Circadian Rhythm : It refers to the approximately 24-hour cycle of

the body which is determined by the amount of light that the hypothalamus in the

brain senses in a day-night cycle. Both brain wave activity and hormone 
production are associated to this cycle. If  the circadian rhythm is disturbed,

disturbances can also happen.

Seasonal Rhythms Similar to circadian rhythms, seasonal rhythms are

associated with the amount of daylight within a given season which can also

impact mood. Individual people with major depressive disorder with a seasonal

pattern begin to feel increasingly depressed as the amount of light disappears

in the winter where these individuals experience a lift in mood as springtime

(and more light) approaches and during other times of the year, people with

this seasonal pattern experience "normal" mental health.

Biological Basis of Depression (Genetics and family history):-


Doctors have known for a long time that depression runs in families. 
Many people who suffer from depression can identify other family 
members who are suffering from the same or a similar illness. 
Twins were used in early studies on the genetics of depression.
Identical twins share all of their genes, whereas fraternal twins
(and non-twin siblings) only share half of their genetic material. 
Researchers from all over the world identified that when one identical
twin is depressed, the other twin is depressed 76% of the time.
In fraternal pairs, the twin of a depressed person experiences depression
only 19% of the time. Twin studies examining twins raised in different 
homes have added to the evidence for a genetic link, rather than just 
environmental causes of depression. In cases with identical twins raised
in separate homes, when one twin develops depression, the other twin 
develops the same disorder 67% of the time. Is there such a thing as a
"depression gene"? Some diseases, such as cystic fibrosis and Huntington's
disease, are caused by a single faulty gene. However, many diseases, such
as depression, diabetes, and high blood pressure, are influenced by 
multiple genes rather than being caused by a single gene. There are 
combinations of genetic changes that cause illness in these conditions.
At the moment, it is unknown how many genes play a role in depression. 
It is extremely unlikely that any single gene causes depression in a 
large number of people. Scans of people with depression's genomes 
(whole genetic codes) confirmed a link to major depressive disorder on 
chromosome 15 and some suspected linkage on chromosomes 8 and 17. More
study is needed to find what this means and how to apply this knowledge
to diagnosis and treatment. It is also important to remember that one's
environment and life experiences do have an influence on major depressive 
disorder. It is difficult to blame purely genetic features.At the moment,
we can likely believe that a specific set of genes makes some people more
susceptible to major depressive disorder when they are exposed to certain
environmental stressors

Treatment Of Depression (How To Overcome Depression Without Medication) 
You can treat depression by medication or by counseling. First we will
write how to treat depression without medication:Many people struggling 
with depression today are oblivious about starting antidepressant 
medications and are interested in how to treat depression without medication.
If the depressive episode is mild or has not been present for very long,
counseling is something to try. Many therapists now reserve the recommendation
of antidepressants for depression that is severe or unresponsive to talk 
therapy. As the antidepressant drug has some unpleasant side effects such as 
anxiety, dizziness, constipation, insomnia, fatigue, nausea, and loss of sexual
desire. These side effects have the potential to affect patients' quality of 
life and should be weighed carefully against the benefits of using antidepressant

Treat Depression With The Help Of Therapist Sometimes therapists recommend 
medication in combination with talk therapy at the start of treatment to help
get symptoms under control with the intent of trying to wean off of the
medication after things seem to have stabilized but normal a lot of patient
feel nervous about the idea of talking to a therapist for the first time.
Talk therapy is considered an important part of most every major depressive
disorder treatment plan and is a way of treating depression naturally without
side effects and optimizing the effectiveness of antidepressant medication.
There are also some therapies available which is mentioned below:

1.Talk therapy

2.Interpersonal Therapy 

3.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 4.Problem-Solving Therapy Effective Way to treat
depression and anxiety without medication: ? 
Despite of the effectiveness ,the antidepressant medications have harmful effects.
To remove depression  the first step is to help yourself by avoiding bad 
thoughts . Here are some common things that counselors suggest for avoiding 
depression all by your own. 1.Get in a routine and Set a goal 2.Try To Have 
Physical Exercise (yoga) 3.Get Enough Sleep (avoid caffeine) 4.Do Something
New And Exciting 5.Cut  Back on depressant ( Alcohol ) 6.Get More Vitamins 
(B & D) 7.Tap Your Spirituality By Meditation 8.Eat 'Good Mood' Food- (Fish ,
nuts and probiotics like yogurt,) 9.Reframe Your Thoughts and avoid bad thoughts
10.Tend to Your Social Life and avoid to be alone

Famous Antidepressant Medications Name And Their Side Effects 😕

Famous Antidepressant Medications Name And Their Side Effects

Antidepressant Drugs Drugs used for treating mental disorders accompanied by
depression are called antidepressants.  In other words, antidepressants are
capable of removing or alleviating a number of disorders in the psycho-emotional
realm referred to as “depressive syndrome” in psycho-neurological practice.

Available Antidepressants
  • Tricyclics (TCA) (Prototype drugs)
2) Dual Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor (SNRIs) Venlafaxine,
 Desvenlafaxine, Duloxetine, Milanicipran and Levomilanicipran

3) Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) (Newer) Fluoxetine,
 Fluvoxamine, Sertraline, Paroxetine, Citalopram and Escitalopram

4) Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) Hydrazine derivatives (Phenelzine,
 Isocarboxazid) and Non-Hydrazines (Tranylcypramine, and Moclobemide, Selegiline)

5) Tetracyclics/ Norepinephrine and Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor (NDRI)/ 
Atypical Antidepressants. Bupropion, Nefazodone, Vilazodone, Mirtazapine,
Trazodone and Vortioxetine

6) Serotonin-2 (5HT-2) Antagonists and Reuptake Inhibitors (SARIs) Nefazodone,
 Trazodone and Vortioxetine (Newer)

  1. 1 Tuesday
Side Effect Of Antidepressant (Tachycardia,Sedation,Seizure,Weight gain and more)

No drug is free from side effect. This anti depressant shows lots of side 
effects and they are given below )
  • Anti-Muscarinic (due to the blockade of Muscarinic receptor) 
    - Tachycardia, dry mouth, urine retention, constipation, blurred vision
  • Antihistamine (Block central H1 receptors) - sedation
  • Antiadrenergic (block α2 adrenergic receptors) - postural hypotension, 
    Reflex tachycardia, Ejaculatory failure)
  • Pre-synaptic α2 adrenergic receptors blocking property -Tachycardia, Tremor
  • Central H-1 blocking property - Sedation
  • Neurologic -Seizures
  • Psychiatric -Aggravation of Psychosis
  • Metabolic and Endocrine -Withdrawal syndrome, Sexual disturbances,
    Weight gain

By Harun

I am a technician and website builder, founder of Life Tools (marketing network), I’m here especially with my (daughter Eva) artist showing her paintings and Envato market place all digital products Also a group of specialists combine different techniques Nutrition, Makeup and fashion, helping people by publishing various free tips related to technology, English language Learning, Forex education, online money making tips .There is also the story of the contribution of chattogram during the liberation war

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