Heart disease : Types of heart disease

How Heart Disease Affects Your Body and Types of heart disease

While there are many leading causes of death at a global level, still the most prominent and significant one in the 21st century remains deaths associated with cardiovascular conditions. Even with the modern age of medicine affecting and evolving the human lifespan in a very positive way, the magnitude of heart diseases that impact humans of all ages are really astounding. Strokes, aortic disease, heart failures and attacks are just some of the major victimizers of this condition, although the most common one is called coronary artery disease which essentially causes a blockage in the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. There are different types of heart diseases such as 
•	Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
•	Heart Arrhythmias.
•	Heart Failure.
•	Heart Valve Disease.
•	Pericardial Disease.
•	Cardiomyopathy (Heart Muscle Disease)
•	Congenital Heart Disea

Causes of heart diseases :
While some people may develop heart disease due to age and heredity, there are many other factors which increases the risk of heart disease. These may include factors such as
1. Obesity
2. Diabetes
3. Smoking and alcohol intake
4. High blood pressure
5. Not being physically active 
6. Having an unhealthy diet
7. Family background 
8. Ethnic background
9. Congenital heart defect  
10. Age 
11. Sleep apnea 
12. High stress etc. 
Although heart diseases affects both men and women, there are some differences in how it develops, how the symptoms may vary, and how the treatments and outcomes may be different in either of the genders. The primary causes of death due to heart disease and the possible choices we may make in order to avoid such a situation will be discussed and highlighted.

A look into CAD: Causes 
Coronary Artery Disease
As mentioned in the previous post, there are many types of heart diseases that can cause significant damage and even death to many people. The most common and leading one is coronary artery disease, which occurs when there is a formation of plaques of fatty substance, such as deposits of cholesterol, in the arteries which causes the blood vessels to get blocked, resulting in conditions such as heart attack, stroke, or angina (chest pain). While this condition may occur in both females and males, it is most likely to transpire in older aged people, mostly above their 60s. As time goes on and age increases, the muscles around the heart get weakened which may result in heart failure, a condition where the pumping of blood becomes abnormal. Symptoms include a range of signs such as shortness of breath, chest pain, chest pressure or tightness, pain in neck, jaw or back among others.
While age is a definite factor, being overweight or not being physically active may also increase the risk of coronary artery disease, while smoking and eating unhealthy foods are also major factors. Another concerning reason is heredity, which means that having a family history of heart disease is something to be wary of.

A look into CAD: How to prevent CAD:

A look into CAD: How to prevent CAD:
How to prevent CAD
A look into CAD: How to prevent CAD:
How to prevent CAD
Checking oneself regularly to determine if they have the correct blood pressure, blood sugar and blood cholesterol is a key ingredient in making sure to combat any heart disease as early and as head on as possible. While there are many ways to identify the disease using methods such as EKG (electrocardiogram), which measures the regularity of one’s heartbeat, Exercise stress test, which measures the heart rate when one is placed under strenuous circumstances, Chest X-ray, taking x-rays of the heart, Echocardiogram, using ultrasound to create a picture of the heart, etc., the recovery process is mostly consistent of physical activity, healthy mental and physical lifestyle, and stress relieving counseling. This disease although is very concerning for the elderly group, it is only as dangerous as we let it be. Healthy lifestyle from an early age can do wonders in the long run and making sure we follow some basic lifestyle choices such as eating healthy, exercising adequately, and maintaining a good mental and physical well-being at all times is crucial to avoid any sort of heart disease, and particularly this one.

Coming  ................................Soon

By Harun

I am a technician and website builder, founder of Life Tools (marketing network), I’m here especially with my (daughter Eva) artist showing her paintings and Envato market place all digital products Also a group of specialists combine different techniques Nutrition, Makeup and fashion, helping people by publishing various free tips related to technology, English language Learning, Forex education, online money making tips .There is also the story of the contribution of chattogram during the liberation war

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